Our mission is to design and deliver innovative solutions that benefit human and environmental health, while educating and challenging ourselves, ourselves and our customers in sustainable practices.
We are committed to actively reducing our environmental impact from manufacturing and from our daily business operations. These efforts are not only an integral part of the value we bring for our customers, but we drive ourself and our customers to go beyond the basics of waste-cutting and efficient operation.
Precise Team believes employees are our strength and thus do all we can to provide a safe and healthy environment for them. In order to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and beyond, we provide essential training to personnel and benchmark it to an international standard.
Our Health, Safety and Environment Induction policy covers the most common areas of concern in relation to occupational health, safety and the environment. The purpose of this program is to familiarize staff with their area of work, emergency procedures, location of emergency equipment, assembly points and safety rules.
All HSE related incidents such as injuries, hazards and near misses that occur at Precise are reported. This includes any incident that results in:
- * Injury or illness to a person
- * Instances of unsafe work practice
- * Hazardous situations or near misses
- * Damage to property and the environment
- * Allegations of unacceptable behavior
Precise Incident Report must be lodged and staff is required to assist in an investigation of the incident.
Emergency Procedures outline what to do in a variety of emergencies, as well as providing emergency contact numbers. This includes evacuation plans, local assembly areas, emergency exits and emergency equipment.
In the event of an emergency such as a fire, explosion or other serious incident, staff will hear the alert alarm/evacuation alarm and will be directed to evacuate to the assembly area until otherwise notified. They may not re-enter the building until authorized to do so by emergency services.
All of our buildings are equipped with a variety of firefighting equipment such as hose reels and fire extinguishers. We have staff members that are trained in First Aid, across different departments, that are free to use fully equipped First Aid Kit Boxes with items.
Smoking is not permitted inside any buildings. Smokers must ensure that they smoke at designated places allocated for it. ProColor supports a healthy lifestyle and discourages staff from smoking.
Using of alcohol during office hours is not permitted nor any of the employees is allowed to enter the premises under the influence of alcohol.
Meeting customers' needs with quality and service, Precise's production operations have consistently emphasized the highest possible quality and putting customers first.
In order to fulfill the foregoing commitments, we at Precise will strive to fully implement the following policy:
1. Ceaseless R&D in the area of manufacturing technology, and absolute rigor in quality control.
2. Continuous cost reduction, improvement of productivity, and enhancement of product quality.
3. Reliance on a customer-oriented attitude to boost customer satisfaction.
4. Joint adoption and maintenance of a customer-oriented quality management system in conjunction with customers.
5. Transitioning from a focus on after-sales service to pre-sales service, establishing Precise as a provider of service.